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Children in America

MISSION: A webpage hoping to allow American and Ukrainian Children to Share their thoughts and ideas about life, school, art, culture and each other.

Below are a series of links that will guide children to English Language Webpages that have information about various aspects of American Childrens' Lives.
There are also opportunities below to share stories and impressions with American children.

Free time, time to run and play. What do kids in America do? The truth is the range of what they do is as diverse as the children themselves. While some go to dance lessons, others may sing, or paint, others still play sports, or learn an instrument, or ride horses. Some kids chose to volunteer and help out other people or their community. A few kids have to work, and have very little free time.
Perhaps there is no one answer to what kids do in their free time, but I would say that children do attempt to fill their free time with what they consider fun.

School System:
The educational system in America is quite diverse. Children may attend public or private school and some children are taught at home schools.

The general school system is set up like this:
Primary/Elementary School
Kindergarten: age: 5/6
1st grade: age 6/7
2nd grade: age 7/8
3rd grade: age 8/9
Middle School
4th grade: age 9/10
5th grade: age 10/11
6th grade: age 11/12
Junior High School
7th grade: age 12/13
8th grade: age 13/14

High School
9th grade: age 14/15
10th grade: age 15/16
11th grade: age 16/17
12th grade: age 17/18
University/ College
Associates Diploma: 2 years
Bachelor Diploma: 4 or 5 years
Graduate School
Masters Diploma: 2 or more years
Post Graduate
Doctoral Diploma: 3 or more years

The school year typically last from August or September through May or June. Some schools have begun to hold classes all year long, but that is still rare.
Children do not normally pick a focus of their studies until they enter University or College. Although some high schools are now encouraging children to start to specialize while there.
The typical school day last from around 7:30 or 8:00 in the morning to 2:30 or 3:00 in the afternoon.
Public School is free of charge, from Kindergarten to 12th grade. After that, University and College cost money, prices vary depending on institute. Some Universities are operated by the government and are less expensive than privately run universities.

Public School is free of charge, from Kindergarten to 12th grade. After that, University and College cost money, prices vary depending on institute. Some Universities are operated by the government and are less expensive than privately run universities.

Below are some links that will guide you to learn more about education in America: includes history and commentary:

Selected Web sites on teenage life in the United States: http://usinfo.state.gov/journals/itsv/0705/ijse/sites.htm


A review of a documentary tracing the roots of American Public Schools


A timeline of the history of US Public Schools, which focuses on race and race relations within the educational system.



Children's Literature Reviews, by Children





General Website on Children's Literature:



Collection of books:



Diversity and Multi-Culturalism in Children's Literature:



Films: Information on Current Movies Popular among American Children


NEWS/ Current Events





Links on Native American Children's Lives


Spank: Magazine by Teens for Teens


Girl Power: helping girls take charge of their life


Children in Urban America:

Cyberkids: an interactive site where you can share thoughts and ideas:
